My Ex-Husband Took Our Home!

After years ⁤of a toxic marriage ‌filled with Mike’s obsession for material wealth, ⁤Nicole shocked him by⁣ agreeing ​to give him everything ⁢in ⁢their divorce.

But as Mike⁢ celebrated his supposed⁤ victory, Nicole’s ​sneaky laughter showed⁤ she had one last trick up her sleeve. Mike was about to encounter a twist‌ he never expected.

I stepped out of the lawyer’s office, my face blank and shoulders slumped, looking like the typical defeated ex-wife.

The sky was gray and⁢ rain poured down—a perfect match for the mask of sadness ‌I ⁢wore.

But inside, I was buzzing with excitement. I gripped the cold ⁣door handle ⁣and walked⁤ to‍ the‍ elevator, relieved there was no⁤ one around to see what happened next.

As soon as the ⁢elevator doors closed, I couldn’t ‍help ⁢it—a ⁢giggle escaped me, bubbling up from deep inside like champagne finally opened.

Before long, I was laughing uncontrollably; my sound‍ echoed in that small space ⁣like ⁤a⁣ crazy person.

If anyone had​ seen me ‍then they’d think I’d lost it from⁣ all the stress. But no—this was just the start. Everything was coming together.

The house, car ⁢and money—Mike could have ⁤them all! That’s what‌ he wanted; I felt happy ​letting him think he had won. Little did he know this was ⁢part of my⁤ plan!

A few weeks earlier…

Mike and I hadn’t been happy ⁣for years​ but this wasn’t your ​usual drifting​ apart situation. Mike became obsessed with status—fancy cars, big houses and designer clothes!

He wanted to‌ show off success while⁢ I ⁤played⁤ along way⁣ too ‍long! But when our marriage​ started cracking more ‌deeply—I knew divorce would​ happen eventually.

It wasn’t divorce that scared me; I knew Mike too well! He didn’t care about saving our relationship—he just wanted to win! To him victory meant taking everything: house savings lifestyle!

What he didn’t realize is⁣ that ⁣I⁢ had my ‌own plans ready! And if giving him what he desired⁤ fit into that plan—I would gladly play along!

One ​evening Mike⁢ came home late again as usual while ⁤i pretended ⁢scrolling through ‍my ​phone barely acknowledging his entrance.

“We need to⁢ talk,” he said clearly‌ upset.

I sighed bored⁤ “What now?”

“I⁤ want a divorce,” he ​snapped throwing​ his​ keys on counter!

Finally! I’d ⁢waited⁣ for‍ this‌ moment weeks ‌now so calmly⁣ nodded​ like processing news but inside smiling wide!

“Okay,” i said⁤ steady voice

He blinked surprised “That’s it?‌ No fight? No begging?”

“What’s point?” shrugged watching frustration grow on his face

He expected pleading or fighting ‍from me—but nope—all going ​according ‍plan!

Divorce talks were boring as expected;​ Mike sat across from me smugly listing demands:‍ house‍ car money—it sounded like shopping list really!

“Fine,” i said barely listening “You can ⁣have it all.”

My lawyer‌ looked concerned but nodded back at her because game still going strong‌ here!!

Mike’s eyes widened‌ “Wait… you‍ don’t want ​house?⁤ Savings?”

“Nope” leaned back⁢ in chair​ “It’s yours.”

His ‍shock turned quickly into joy “Great! Pack your things today be⁣ out⁤ by ​six!”

“Sure ‌no problem.”

Mike left room puffed ⁤up thinking he’d hit jackpot but let bask in⁤ false victory because little did know real surprise coming soon!!

Back in elevator sent quick text: “Heading home pack Let’s go ahead with plan.”

Packing up easy—I didn’t want much just personal stuff since house felt more like trophy than home!! By​ time finished taping last box ready make call!!

“Hey⁤ Mom” when she picked up “It’s time.”

My mom Barbara saw through⁢ mike day one never liked him best ⁢part ‌helped buy house!! She⁢ made sure investment came strings attached ones mike overlooked greedily!!

Next morning‌ settled into​ cozy new apartment phone rang—it was mike!!!

“You ​set me up!” ​roared⁢ practically losing mind rage

Put on speaker casually sipping coffee “What⁤ are ⁣you talking about?”

“Your mother she’s taken over MY ⁣HOUSE!”

“Oh⁣ that.” smiled​ “Forgot contract didn’t‌ you?​ One gives mom right live‌ there whenever wants ‍since provided down payment?”

Silence on other end golden could almost see​ look face piecing together realization!!!

“You‍ can’t be serious!” sputtered⁤ “I’ll sue not over yet!”

Before ‌finish heard mom’s voice background‌ commanding “Michael​ take feet off ⁤coffee‌ table stop hogging remote!”

Stifled laugh while mike tried reason with her but she wasn’t having any of it!!

“You hear?” Mom continued “And fix grocery situation I’m not living frozen dinners!”

Phone clicked off leaving peace behind ⁤leaned back ⁢chair smile spreading across‌ face

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